Carmen Janet Gomez
Team 501-05 "The Planeteers"
Individual Graded Assignment No. I-2
Creativity Journal Profile (CJP)
Due Date: Tuesday, 07Dec. '10

"An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do"

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Personal Feedback on ENDS 101

As the final day of class approaches, I have realized the great opportunity I had while being part of this ENDS 101 class. Prior to enrolling in this class, I never considered creativity important. I simply regarded it as "useless", however, I have now learned that the future of our society is truly dependent upon creativity. Without creativity, we as citizens would not be able to allow our great nation to grow both technologically and intelligently.
I am truly grateful to have taken this class, I believe it allowed me to open my eyes to the new opportunities which surround us in the world of innovation. To now see the world with an optimistic point of view, and to strive to improvement will truly give me an opportunity to make advances in my field of study. From now on I will keep one quote engraved in my mind "If it is not broken, IMPROVE it!"
Speaking of field of study, prior to this class, I believed I was destined to be an architect. However, as time went on, I realized that all of my interests coincide with the civil engineering field. Next semester I will change majors, but most importantly, keep ENDS 101 in the back of my mind in order to always innovate the present solution.

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