Process Innovations:
The learning objectives of developing Soft Innovations are: (1) to become aware of
the numerous opportunities that exist for developing product, process, service, or business model
innovations; (2) to develop skills and abilities in creative thinking and problem-solving; (3) to be able to
describe any innovation developed in a briefing, using both visual depictions of the innovations and
textual narratives, and following a clear set of guidelines; and (4) to formally document that any
innovations developed are novel and unique, through the development of a Prior Works Collection
(needs, resources, and precedents) for the innovation, and by conducting simple search engine,
trademark, and patent searches.
My four soft innovations included:
9.Hassle-Free Washing Machine
10.Closet/Outfit Rotator
11.Bed Do-Er
12.The Imperfection Vacuum
10.Closet/Outfit Rotator
11.Bed Do-Er
12.The Imperfection Vacuum
To fully explore the presentation click on the link bellow
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