Dr. Jorge Vanegas
· Do you trust your brain or eyes?
Optical Illusions
Muller-Lyer Illusion
Black and white marks-picture of Jesus
Klein Bottle
· Boxing Comparison
Revolutionary idea-Challenger
Conventional Idea- Champion
· Synesthesia- condition in which one type of stimulation evokes the sensation of another, as when the hearing of a sound produces the visualization of a color
· Gardner’s Seven Intelligences
1. Word Smart (linguistic)- express with words
2. Math Smart (logical-mathematical)- logical, consider proportions
3. Picture Smart (visual-spatial)- think in pictures, art
4. Music Smart (musical)- reflect on music
5. Body Smart (bodily-kinesthetic)- trained responses
6. People Smart (interpersonal)- interact well with others
7. Self Smart (intrapersonal)- understand themselves
Ability that needs to be perfected- Synchronize, multi-tasking
Janusian Thinking- creators’ ability to actively conceive multiple ideas simultaneously.
Selective Combination- seeing a way to combine relevant information once you’ve detected it. Differences allow symbiosis.
Reproductive Thinking- math classes, problems that look the same and are solved in the same manner
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