Carmen Janet Gomez
Team 501-05 "The Planeteers"
Individual Graded Assignment No. I-2
Creativity Journal Profile (CJP)
Due Date: Tuesday, 07Dec. '10

"An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Intuition and Flow Notes

Dr. Jorge Vanegas
Class is about metaphor “Oh the places you’ll go” by Dr. Seus
“Imagination is more important than knowledge” Albert Einstein
·         What came first the Intrapreneur or entrepreneur?
 Entrepreneur-mentioned in newspaper, monochronic people (day by day, week by week, etc.)
Intraprenuer- one who supplies ideas, can control ability to achieve optimum behavior, goes into a state of polychromic time (flow, continuous movement).
·         Flow- total absorption can engender peak pleasure and creativity, more children are in this state. 90% of children are intuitive, after 12th grade on 10% remain.
The Whole Brain Model- Ned Herrman “The Four Quadrant Model of the Brain”
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist after he grows up” –Picasso Environments truly differ from each other. Examples shown at
What does my creative environment look like? Clean, modern, bright lights, stiff chairs, white
·         Person “in flow” is fully aware of their actions, but not of the awareness itself. Once one is interrupted, anger and frustration is evoked. If one cannot reach flow, one will experience anxiety. An example of flow is when an athlete is performing a sport. Freeing the mind is different from focusing the mind. Focus needs an object of attention, the object is the final result that she wants to create.  To evoke flow people find the perfect combination outside of the routine.
What is your flow? Relaxing, drinking a hot cup of chocolate, wearing pajamas, folk music (Regina Specktor, Ingrid Michelson)
One poet described flow as being in a state of ecstasy.
Tension and stress block creative thinking. And so disconnect…
Message of this lecture: everything you do is a story to be told. The mind and vision works much faster than the vocal cords.
Flow is the result of intense concentration.

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