Carmen Janet Gomez
Team 501-05 "The Planeteers"
Individual Graded Assignment No. I-2
Creativity Journal Profile (CJP)
Due Date: Tuesday, 07Dec. '10

"An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Guest Lecturer: Dr. Andruid Kerne
Associate Professor,
 Department of Computer Science,
Texas A&M University
CombinFormation- collecting prior work from information, mixed-initiative information composition. Mixed initiative refers to the human participants and computational agents
Prior Work Collection- needs, resources, precedents
Needs- information discovery tasks (beyond finding information, having new ideas while searching), to collect new sets, see elements and relationships
Surrogate- represents an information resource, hyperlink for access (bookmark), tightly linked to the original, surrogate eclipses the object. People usually use web citing pages.
Composition- artistic method, connected whole, visual design to represent relationships
Installation- use firefox only

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