Product Innovations:
The learning objectives of developing Soft Innovations are: (1) to become aware of
the numerous opportunities that exist for developing product, process, service, or business model
innovations; (2) to develop skills and abilities in creative thinking and problem-solving; (3) to be able to
describe any innovation developed in a briefing, using both visual depictions of the innovations and
textual narratives, and following a clear set of guidelines; and (4) to formally document that any
innovations developed are novel and unique, through the development of a Prior Works Collection
(needs, resources, and precedents) for the innovation, and by conducting simple search engine,
trademark, and patent searches.
the numerous opportunities that exist for developing product, process, service, or business model
innovations; (2) to develop skills and abilities in creative thinking and problem-solving; (3) to be able to
describe any innovation developed in a briefing, using both visual depictions of the innovations and
textual narratives, and following a clear set of guidelines; and (4) to formally document that any
innovations developed are novel and unique, through the development of a Prior Works Collection
(needs, resources, and precedents) for the innovation, and by conducting simple search engine,
trademark, and patent searches.
My soft innovations included:
2.Closet/Outfit Rotator
3.Bed Do-Er
4.The Imperfection Vacuum
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