Carmen Janet Gomez
Team 501-05 "The Planeteers"
Individual Graded Assignment No. I-2
Creativity Journal Profile (CJP)
Due Date: Tuesday, 07Dec. '10

"An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do"

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Managing the Creative Design Process Notes (Part II)

Dr. Jorge Vanegas fun can change the way people act for the better
·         Escalator was made like a piano, every time they stepped a note would play, therefore more people walked rather than went in the automatic stairs
·         A sound was added to a trash can and it was played every time someone disposed their garbage in it, in the end more people used the can
·         The speed lottery- once you disobey the speed limit you had to place money in a pot, if you followed the directions your name was added to a lottery to win the money in the pot.
A good time for innovation-has different types of persons, they are:
1.       The Anthropologist- bring insights by observing human behavior and developing a deep understanding of how people interact physically and emotionally with products
2.       The Experimenter- they prototype new ideas by trial and error, take risks to achieve success
3.       The Cross-Pollinator- explores other industries and cultures, and then translates those findings and revelations to fit the unique needs of the enterprise
4.       The Hurdler- knows that the patch to  innovation is full of obstacles and they develop a path to innovate
5.       The Collaborator- helps bring eclectic groups together and often leads from the middle of the pack to create new combinations
6.       The Director- gathers together a talented cast, it also helps spark the creative talents
7.       The Experienced Architect- designs compelling experiences that go beyond mere functionality to connect at a deeper level with customers’ latent or expressed needs
8.       The Set Designer- creates a stage on which innovation team members can do their best work
9.       The Caregiver-they anticipate customer needs and are ready to look after the
10.   The Storyteller- builds both internal morale and external awareness through compelling narratives that communicate a fundamental human value or reinforce a specific cultural trait
The Six Thinking Hats they wear:
1.       White (neutrality) - calls for information known or needed. “the facts, just the facts”
2.       Yellow (positive judgment )- symbolizes brightness and optimism, you explore the positives and probe for value and benefit
3.       Black (negative judgment) – the hat is judgment, the devil’s advocate or why something may not work. Spots the difficulties and dangers; where things might go wrong
4.       Red Hat (feeling) – this signifies emotions
5.       Green Hat (creative thinking) – this focuses on creativity and ideas
6.       Blue Hats (process control) – is used to manage the creative process
What process is followed to create innovations:
·         The IDEO Process- the centerpiece for strategies, work practice and culture (one needs to place you on someone’s shoes), it also cannot only be for the “ideal” individual or “average”, it focuses on the “verbs” and “adverbs” rather than “nouns”
Phase I
Understanding- the market, client, technology, perceived constraints (are they really?)
Phase II
Observing- real people in real life situations, how do things work now, how do people experience them, what confuses, what is liked, what is hated, what is not satisfied
Synthesizing-organizing design themes from phase I work
Visualizing- transforming design themes into visual elements, how does the brainstormed solution solve the problem role play, story board, etc.
Intense Brainstorming- imagining new concepts and ideas around design themes
Prototyping- “building” ideas, physical brainstorming
Evaluating and Refining
More Brainstorming…
Phase III
Selecting- evaluating
Implementing- marketing

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