Carmen Janet Gomez
Team 501-05 "The Planeteers"
Individual Graded Assignment No. I-2
Creativity Journal Profile (CJP)
Due Date: Tuesday, 07Dec. '10

"An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Personal Feedback on the Presentation Given by Mr. Nathan Latka

            Today’s presentation was quite eye opening.  As a freshman I do not believe I have truly entered the real world, I am still financially supported by my parents and my sole duty is to attend school and obtain good grades. I always believed one entered the real world after obtaining a degree, however many others join the work force before graduating.
Mr. Nathan Latka is one of them. To think that he is only twenty one years old, and already an entrepreneur is extremely difficult to believe. He created his own company by simply connecting the two things he knew best, marketing and facebook, and is now well known for making vast amounts of money at a young age.
In his presentation today, he made it clear that he is not a “great” one; instead he is just like every other college student in the nation. Like me, he attends classes and is forced to listen to his parental figures before making final decisions for himself. The only difference between the two of us is his drive and ability to take risks. Listening to this lecture allowed me to believe that I am capable of succeeding just like he has. All I need is a great idea and the driving force.
Attending this lecture truly gave me the confidence I need to take risks and believe in my work and ideas. While perhaps I may not be able to earn $5000 in one day today, perhaps I will earn more than $6000 in two years.
Another thing that truly interested me was his change of major. Once architecture major, he is now in the school of business. Like him, I am currently enrolled in the Environmental Design program of the school of Architecture; however I am considering switching to the engineering field. The fact that he changed in order to make his dreams a reality is inspiring. Knowing other people also questioned their major at one point, comforts me in many ways and allows me to believe that many others have experienced what I am now going through. The fact that they succeeded and are now happy doing what they love, truly allows me to believe my wishes could one day become reality.

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